Fit Happens Tip – The Squeeze
Guys, you may not worry about cellulite, but believe me, women do. Well, ladies, we’ve had jeans that squeeze our stomach in, others that lift our butt and now Wrangler has launched jeans that go after our cellulite.
The jeans “Smooth Legs” skinny jeans are made from fabric treated with caffeine, Retinal and algae extract, all ingredients used in products that “reduce the appearance” of cellulite—notice I said “reduce the appearance” not get rid of. Wrangler says that 69% of women in clinical trials reported an improvement in the “appearance” of their thighs.
The clinical trial held in France required the jeans to be wore for eight hours a day, five days a week during the six week testing period.
All this to reduce the appearance of cellulite–Actually by wearing the Jeans you don’t have to worry about cellulite, as your legs are covered. Maybe that should be the pitch.
But wait there’s more, it’s no longer enough for our items of clothing to perform just one task, now to add to the collection of multitasking clothing, Triumph is set to launch bottom-moisturizing control pants. Each of the pieces in the collection is infused with tiny aloe vera micromoisture capsules. The capsules which last for 100 washes, start to release moisturizer when they come into contact with skin.
Triumph says its collection will help to keep your nether regions in silky smooth condition, all while sucking you in and keeping stray flab hidden away.
Are these the hardest working “control pants” or what!?
30 Second Tip of Week
Do The Squeeze
Here’s an exercise you can do anywhere including your car
We can create our own “control pants”
—squeeze your glutes together
—hold for a count of five then release, one buttock at a time.
—repeat this for 5 minutes or more
—you should feel a tightening in both your abdominal and glute region, no additional fashion investments required.