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Big Pharma

Here’s Why the Media DOESN’T Stand Up to Big Pharma Greed as Drug Prices Skyrocket in US

an image of a peaceful rally with a large group of people holding up signs and marching

In an Op-Ed published in The LA Times, Vermont Senator and former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, penned:

“One out of five Americans age 19 to 64 cannot afford their prescriptions. Hundreds of thousands of seniors cut their pills in half to stretch one month’s prescription into two. Meanwhile, the five largest drug companies made more than $50 billion in profits last year.

“The top 10 CEOs in the industry received a total of more than $327 million in compensation. They [Big Pharma] currently have 1,266 lobbyists on their payrolls in Washington, D.C., and 118 fighting for their priorities in Sacramento. They’ve made hundreds of millions in campaign contributions to politicians.”

Though rising prescription drug prices is a major health crisis nationwide, corporate media largely ignored the issue important to millions of Americans.

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