A Salute to Nurses | Thank You, Thank You Very Much
A special thank you to all of our listeners, the nurses who save lives and make a huge impact on humanity every day. Thanks too to our sponsors the California Nurses Association, National Nurses United, the Massachusetts Nurses Association, our media partner Laura Flanders and GRITtv and our strategic partner Nurse Together. Without you all we might be driving down Route 66 in our RV waxing about Nurse Talk as something that might have been.
Next week, we will be announcing a whole new season of Nurse Talk. We’ll be lauding the good and spanking the bad. We know you are busy. Did you know you can subscribe to Nurse Talk News and links to listen will be delivered to your inbox weekly? You never have to miss a show!
We salute you nurses. Please enjoy this song by San Francisco area singer and songwriter, Colette Washington, Angel By My Side and an encore presentation of Nurse Talk featuring a great nurse memoir and interview with an 82-year-old nurse who is still helping people.
[powerpress url=”http://www.nurestalksite.com/audio/Angel_at_My_Side_Colette_Washington-1.mp3″]
Which Side Are You On? A Nurse’s Memoir and Rita Goes Red Cross | Show 415.
Casey and Dan just can’t get enough of themselves! The jury is still out as to whether others feel the same… Great show though. What do the Pips have to do with it? Listen and find out.
Our hosts chat with National Nurses United’s Michael Lighty about making Wall Street pay its fair share.
Later in the show RN and author Kate Genovese joins us. Kate has written a book called Thirty Years In September, A Nurse’s Memoir. It is a tale of strength, hope, and courage in a world of sickness and death.
We also have RN Rita Grady who just happens to have the same last name as Dan. That’s right Dan’s mom visits with us about her Red Cross “tour of duty” in the tornado ravaged states of Alabama and Missouri this summer. Rita doesn’t mind if we share with you she is 82 and has an aversion to recliners.
And of course the Phobia, Square Needle, news and hiccups in between.
You can listen in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM every Saturday at 11 am EST or live stream at www.revolutionboston.com and in the San Francisco Bay area Sundays at 2PM PST on Green 960AM or live stream at www.green960.com. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at NurseTalkSite.com or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too. Remember “laughter is the best medicine!”