DNR | Alzheimer’s in the First Person | Barbara Taylor Vaughan

I went to the doctor today. Just a checkup. I told him that I wanted to sign papers. Papers about what I want in the end. Sign papers of who my medical voice is, who I want making decisions for me. I told him how I want things. He looked at me straight in my eyes and said, “Do you realize what you are doing—that you are telling your daughter—who is working so hard to keep you alive and healthy—and who cares for you 24-hours a day—that you want her to make the decision not to give you food, not to do any medical procedure to prolong your life? You are a DNR….Do Not Resuscitate…just try and keep you pain free and comfortable and die with dignity.”
I looked at him, straight in the eye and told him, “Yes. Because just last week, she made me and Mike her legal voice to do just what I am asking today because she has MS…she is 58….I am 89….I pray to GOD that she has to make this decision for me first…but, if not…Mike and I will do as she has asked us to do.