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Category: A Patient’s Perspective

The Most Perfect Gifts are the Ones You Think You Don’t Want

You’ve probably heard it said that happy people do not make good writers. It’s true, the kinds of things happy people have to write about sound either unbelievable, braggy, or just plain boring. I suppose this is why I haven’t written in a while. Life […]

The Boys in Angio

Hello everyone, I weigh 113.5 pounds! Just received my chemo to start Cycle 10 of Consolidation II. This is the last round, and then hereafter it is Maintenance. So what’s Maintenance? Basically, it’s the core of Consolidation II, with less, much less, steroids. Hopefully this […]


First snow in the valley today. Here comes the mail carrier. He’s wearing shorts. Shorts in winter. How Utah. The snowfall has made me giddy. I love living in a place with seasons, but it really only works when you have a whole year under […]

Brandi Chase

Wet or a Warm Blanket?

On Thursday evening I was a wet blanket. I was mad because no one outside of the hospital other than my sister Kim seemed to remember my big PEG #15 day. I was mad because my big PEG day was marred by faulty port-o-cath. I […]

Brandi Chase


Last week my platelet counts had not recovered enough to begin cycle 8, so I was sent home without my chemotherapy. Its nice to have had a break, I think. Today I go back in for a blood draw and we’ll see what the future […]

Momentum: The Movie

Momentum No more feeding tube…for now. I hope never again. And nothing permanent installed either. But if it becomes necessary, I’ll happily put it back in. My pride is not that great. It’s simply wonderful to have a break from the ongoing noise of the […]

Paying Attention

I’ve been wanting to write for days now, but I haven’t been able to isolate that cohesive thread that so nicely brings the essay to an entry, body, and closure. This past cycle has been more a list of observances, some enjoyable, some remembered from […]

Made It Through

Before I get too tired (maybe I won’t this time?) I wanted to answer a few questions, and let you know I survived the day alright. The staff at LDS Hospital is top notch, they always manage to make a day like today tolerable and, […]

lifted from original post

An Overview

I think there is some kind of pattern to when I feel like I have the capacity to write something. It has to do somewhat with where I am in my chemotherapy cycle, right now I’m in an off week…coming to the end of an […]