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Repeat After Me…A Best of Nurse Talk with RN Humorist Terri Tate, Wiz Kid Cameron Harris and Activist Donna Smith

Terri Tate
Terri Tate

On the show this week is RN, humorist, author Terri Tate. What makes all the wrong things funny? Terri Tate will tell you. Terri claims that humor saved her life. Most people wouldn’t find two bouts of disfiguring oral cancer, 30 plus hours of surgery, 7 weeks of radiation, endless complications and a 2% chance of survival all that funny. Terri wasn’t laughing the whole time but claims that her sense of humor never completely deserted her. Nineteen years after treatment—alive and laughing, Terri talks about her remarkable path and her new book, As Is.

Cameron Harris
Cameron Harris

Wiz kid Cameron Harris is stops by for a visit. Some of you may remember Cameron, at the ripe old age of sixteen, started a podcast company (Harwood Podcast Network) that now boasts over 900 different shows. The line up includes IN RANGE Cameron’s show with his advice about how to live a healthy active life with Type 1 Diabetes. Cameron himself was diagnosed at the age of eight.

Also with us is D.C. Correspondent and National Nurses United Legislative Advocate Donna Smith. Donna gives a great answer to the question–why don’t we see the following headlines in the media?

NNU’s Donna Smith
  • “For Profit Healthcare Poses Threat to Medicare, Federal Deficit, and Overall Economy in Coming Decades”
  • “Social Security Trust Fund Even Larger Than It Was Last Year”
  • “Growing Wealth Inequity Will Lead to Social Security Imbalance Later This Century”

And of course…Lynn Ruth Miller talks about her mother’s use of vinegar in her award winning segment, In My Day. Casey and Shayne take some email questions, and at the end of the show Casey takes Shayne’s blood pressure to see if he is stable! Viola….he’s still alive!

Also, in partnership with our friends iTriage, we are adding a brand new feature to our show… Health Trivia come on down! Yip, that’s what we said. You’ll be surprised at what you will learn and the amazing speed with which you learn it. For example:

What state has the highest obesity rate..and why?
How Many People Go to the Emergency Room For Fireworks-Related Injuries Around the 4th of July holiday?
Do you know the risk factors for prostate Cancer?

Stay tuned to find out the answers to these fine questions and much, much more.

In the meantime—hope you are having a great summer.

Visit our friends Massachusetts Nurses Association and National Nurses United on the web for the latest news patient advocacy news.

You can listen and laugh every week on Saturdays at 11 am in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM or live stream at and in the San Francisco Bay area on KNEW 960AM or live stream at Check out the iHeartRadio app for free and live custom radio. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too.

This show was originally broadcast May 5, 2012. We dedicate it to Casey’s father Robert S. Hobbs who passed away April 25, 2012.

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