Tribute. Shin Splints. Annoying Driver. Pop Quiz.

Shayne and Casey welcome RN and Co-President of National Nurses United, Deborah Burger. Deborah is a frequent guest on Nurse Talk. She recently wrote an article about the need to restore our mental health system. In the wake of the tragic shooting in Connecticut and gun violence at an all time high in our country—many questions are left unanswered. Most of us agree that guns are a huge problem and laws to restrict automatic and semi-automatic weapons must be passed and enforced. But that alone is not sufficient, we must look at and restore access to mental health services and continue to work towards universal healthcare for all.
And related to the tragedy in Connecticut we wanted to share something with our listeners that we find to be a beautiful tribute to the souls who were lost that day. It’s a song written by up and coming songwriter Alex Hobbs (who does happen to be Casey’s nephew). Alex’s heartfelt song is called “Heaven Wasn’t Ready For This.” We were so moved by his tasteful and beautiful gift we wanted to share it with others. Alex will be with us later in the show.
And Shayne gives Casey a pop quiz about “professional boundaries,” one of her favorite topics. Does she pass? To find out listen to this week’s show on or tune in.
We’ll also have a little health trivia and your email questions. What should you do if you are a runner and have “shin splints?” Well the answer is pretty obvious but not to this seemingly charming “jock.”
And can you take too much Tylenol? Is ten a day too much? Yip! Tune-in as Casey and Shayne give their advice. (BUT, remember they cannot prescribe, diagnose, or treat and they always request that you see your physician!)
Until we meet again remember—bowling is a great pastime and great family fun. We suggest taking your own shoes and box lunch. We don’t know why we suggest that, but we do.
AND remember laughter is the best medicine. You can listen and laugh every week on Saturday at 11 am in the San Francisco Bay area on KNEW 960AM or live stream at Check out our favorite apps featuring Nurse Talk for custom radio on your listening devices: Progressive Voices, TuneIn and iHeartRadio. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too.