Sutter Lock Out Update | Cameron Harris on Type 1 Diabetes | October 8-9, 2011 |Show 424
We check in on what is happening at Sutter Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland, California. Over 23,000 nurses went on a one-day strike against Sutter Health here in Northern California. At issue are cuts that impact patient safety. Sutter Health locked out nurses for […]
Kathryn Kuhlman. Walmart Greeter. Tragedy at Sutter Hospital. Whiz Kid Cameron Harris. HP Printers | Show 424
If any of you remember the late great televangelist Katheryn Kuhlman then your just about as old as we are! We couldn’t help ourselves so we open the show with some words of wisdom from Ms. Kuhlman.
And we check in on what is happening at Sutter Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland, California. As many of you know, over 23000 nurses went on a one-day strike against Sutter Health here in Northern California. At issue are cuts that impact patient safety. As planned, the nurses were only out one day then Sutter Health announced they would be locked out for an additional 4 days. During that lock out a patient died from what is described as a “medical error,” while under the care of a 23-year old replacement nurse. We’ll have an update on this unfortunate tragedy.
And whiz kid Cameron Harris joins us. Cameron is our resident expert on Type 1 diabetes and has his own podcast show called In Range. On the show Cameron gives great tips and information on how to live a healthy life with Type 1.
Judith Stark Frost and RN Rita Batchley | Nov 6-7, 2010 |Show 307
Casey and Dan talk with a delightful woman named Judith Stark Frost, a second grade school teacher for over 30 years. Judith’s very funny book Priceless Proverbs From the Tongue of the Young, shows how funny kids can be without even knowing it! Later in […]
Coming Up on The Show: Judith Stark Frost and RN Rita Batchley | Show 307
News Flash! Meg Whitman is selling her campaign bus on ebay!! Well, after $160 million plus to her campaign, Meg has retired to her Atherton home to lick her wounds. She can’t call a nurse cause she—well—lets just say she made some enemies along the […]
RN Linda Carter on Nurse Patient Ratios | Show 303
Casey and Dan continue the discussion about California gubernatorial investor—oh sorry—candidate, Meg Whitman and the legendary country singer Slim Whitman. The facts are in and they are indeed sixth cousins.When reached for comment Whitman (Slim) had this to say, “Pray for me. I’ve tried to […]
RN Deborah Burger, Dr. Allan Bernstein | Show 301
Are Slim Whitman (the country singer) and Meg Whitman related? Well you might think that’s just a spoof or not true. You would be wrong. This week Nurse Talk invested $110.00 to hire a “family tree” consultant to follow the Whitman roots. It turns out […]
Wall Street sees a reliable partner in Whitman
By Jack ChangSacramento BeeSeptember 7, 2010Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman was leading a triumphant rally at the state GOP convention last month when she announced that New Yorkers were excited about the California governor’s race.At a fundraiser she held in New York, Whitman said she met with […]
Whitman: Nurses’suffrage rally a’distraction’
By Juliet WilliamsAssociated PressAugust 27, 2010Hundreds of union members celebrating the 90th anniversary of women’s suffrage rallied Thursday at the state Capitol, holding signs that said “Women vote for women who vote” an attack on the state’s first female Republican nominee for governor.The signs were criticizing the […]
Spending Meg Whitman’s Money and Mark Lauren on You Are Your Own Gym | Show 245
Casey and Dan come up with some better ways for California governator hopeful, Meg Whitman to spend the $100 million she’s pumped into her campaign. And apparently you can be your own gym! That’s according to super trainer Mark Lauren who has just written the […]