Getting HIP on Low Bone Density and Healthcare For ALL!
For those of you old enough to remember cassettes or even 8-tracks (yikes!) this week’s show is a “rewind,” but it isn’t as old as an 8-track. That makes no sense and sometimes neither do we…but this show is a Best of Nurse Talk and you don’t want to miss it. Check out all the Nurse Talk broadcasts at
Coming up next week, if you haven’t found this great app called iTriage, look no further than the Nurse Talk website—in fact here’s the direct link
iTriage is an amazing resource for everyone. For example: have a symptom? Go to the iTriage symptom checker. Need information about a disease? You’ll find complete clinical descriptions from A-Z. Is your medical issue an emergency or do you need to find a clinic or hospital near you? Yip, you guessed it; a complete directory of everything in your area including WAIT times. It’s incredible and we use it all the time. You should too, its free and it works. Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Wayne Guerra joins us for a conversation on this revolutionary tool.
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