Singing. Heroes. Money. Occupy.

Coming Up On Nurse Talk…oh my…Casey is trying her very best to be still but this “women” bashing thing has got to go. In order to keep Casey civil—Dan recommends they sing a song—that reflects these nasty little current events. Sing they do and the emails start rolling in. Ahhh, some agreement…yes? No! Here are just a few:
“Don’t ever sing again!”
“I had to turn the radio off!”
“I can’t tell Dan from Casey!”
“Stick to your day jobs!”
O.K folks we get the message.
Casey and Dan talk with the distinguished Doug Connor. Doug grew up in a conservative Republican family. He is a nurse, a veteran of the Iraq War, a union member, and a passionate supporter of the Occupy movement. Doug returned from the war in 2006, disillusioned by the unnecessary deaths and organizations profiting on the destruction that surrounded him as a nurse treating victims of war. Upon his return, he was looking for change. He supported Barack Obama because, he says, “…just saying the word ‘change’ was enough for me. That’s what I (was) looking for; change, hope.” But by 2011, failures to improve the economy and involvement with his nurses union took him down a different path. Connor came face to face with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
You won’t want to miss Doug’s story
AND LATER…Craig Preston from the California Clean Money Campaign. A few weeks ago we talked with California One Care’s Executive Director Andrew McGuire. Cal One Care is committed to single payer health care for all Californians. Craig Preston from California Clean Money Campaign also supports a single payer healthcare system but says we have to get the money out of politics first.

AND LYNN RUTH MILLER IS BACK with “In My Day” stories, remedies and reflections from the past. For more information on this and many more hot topics go to the Nurse Talk Blog.
Don’t forget to play nice with others!
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