Rocky Mountain High. Bones. Oklahoma. Fashion Don’ts.
This week Shayne goes home to Oklahoma! Well at least on the radio—as we give a big warm welcome to our new affiliate 1610 AM The LaZer, America’s progressive station in Cowlington, Oklahoma. Greetings and thanks for letting us into your great state.
Shayne: “Well, Casey I am just wondering if anyone else is as confused and tired of the drama that continues to play out in our nation’s capitol? First it was the “debt ceiling,” then it was the “fiscal cliff,” now it’s the 4-door Ford “Sequester.” Have we always had these themed dramas? Lord, I even found instructions on the Internet on what to do if the “fiscal cliff” happens. Check this out:
First, relax! Then call your representative in Congress. Then turn off the TV. Postpone spending. Get some cash ready.
Why didn’t I think of that?”

This week one of our good friends returns to Nurse Talk to talk about her new project, Healthcare for All Colorado. None other than Donna Smith is with. Donna as most of our listeners know, worked for five years as National Nurses United Legislative Advocate based in D.C. She just returned to her home state of Colorado and now serves as the Executive Director of Healthcare for All Colorado.
Having (successfully) gone through two bouts of cancer, Donna has great advice on how to make your insurance company accountable–at least to some degree. In her new role she will do what she has done for many years, advocate and educate people about what can be done to access healthcare and to eventually change the current system to a nationwide universal healthcare system.
For more information about Healthcare for All Colorado and National Nurses United visit: and
And—it’s time to get HIP about the issue of “low bone density.” That’s right it’s time to talk about your “bones.” And no one is more qualified than Dr. Kenneth C. Howayeck. He is an author, lecturer and osteoporosis educator.

Dr. Howayeck is an author of books on self-care, including Bone Health Made Easy.. Here’s a jaw dropper–“If you break a hip and you are over 50, 1/4 will die in the first 12 months primarily from that injury!” Not good! Only three in ten osteoporosis sufferers actually know they have this “silent killer” affliction. For great information from Dr. Howayeck check out
And from our Scrubs Magazine Top Ten , Interesting Hospital Fashion Moments: top of scrub pants rolled down complete with pink thong and muffin top hanging out…give me a break! Unroll the tops…it’s a hospital, not a nightclub!
Last but not least-we want to give a big shout out to all of you who are listening to Nurse Talk on Progressive Voices, on the Tune In app, live streaming from the San Francisco Bay Area’s KNEW 960 AM, the iHeart Radio app, iTunes, and everywhere in between.