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Health Care Reform Myths Debunked and the Usual Shenanigans | Show 206

Casey welcomes Linda Silas, RN, and president of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions. We’ll talk to Linda about health care in Canada and dispel some of the myths that we have all become familiar with during the U.S. health care reform debate.

Casey takes calls and visits with…well…lets just say a VERY interesting lady who willingly gives her name “Lillian Thall.” She talks with Casey about her first pedicure and wonders if it was a safe thing to have done. The horse is out of the barn on that one Lillian!REMEMBER YOU CAN CALL OUR 19-HOUR HOT LINE 1-800-977-1863 and leave a question or comment for the nurses or you can email us at

Check out our website and listen anytime to any show or segment. Podcasts are now available at Don’t Miss Nurse Talk every Sunday at 2PM, PST on Green960 AM San Francisco or live stream at REMEMBER, LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE!

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