Conversations with Patty Eakin and Terri Tate | Show 213
Coming Up on the Show…While Pattie tries to talk about a conversation she had with her 93-year-old aunt, Casey finds a shopping bag left in the studio by Maggie. The rattling begins and Casey describes the items in Maggie’s sale bag. Let’s see…the first item is a snow flake globe with Jesus in the praying position. Next up, ceramic nun salt and pepper shakers. You’ll have to tunein to hear the rest.Our first guest this week is RN Patty Eakin. Patty is the President of the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals. As an emergency room nurse at Philadelphia’s Temple University, she sees it all. Patty has direct experience caring for thousands of uninsured patients who would have no place to go if they could not be treated in the ER.As President of PASNAP, Patty spends a great deal of her time advocating for safety and quality healthcare for patients. One of those protections being safe patient ratios. She credits the California Nurses Association for their 12-year fight to establish requirements for safe nurse-to-patient staffing ratios.

Later in the show we talk to Terri Tate. Terri is a remarkable woman and a down-to-earth inspirational teacher disguised as a stand-up comedienne. Her unique brand of humor shines hilarious light into the darkest corners of the human experience. She visited these dark places, most notably during two near-fatal bouts of disfiguring oral cancer. Terri has re-emerged, committed to illuminating the way for others as they discover their own path to healing, purpose and passion.
AND…the holidays are coming up! Every week friends of Nurse Talk with nice gifts for our listeners will call in to tell us what they are putting under the Nurse Talk Tree. It’s easy to win…all you do is go to and click on the holiday page and register.We’ll have the usual features…the Square Needle Award and the Phobia of the Week…along with email questions and calls.You can hear us in the San Francisco Bay Area every Sunday at 2PM on Green960 AM or live-stream at You can also go to to download CNA segment podcasts or to As always, we thank our sponsors at the California Nurses Organization/National Nurses Organizing Committee @ REMEMBER….”laughter is the best medicine!”