Michigonwild. Inside Tips. Lame duck. Honey Boo.
On behalf of all of us at Nurse Talk we wish you and yours good health, friendship, love, peace and harmony. May you bask in the glory of wonder and thrive in the presence of love. Happy Holidays and New Year. We’ll be back January 1, 2013.
This week on the show:
Shayne: “Casey I’m not much for T.V. but I was watching the Barbara Walters’ 10 Most Fascinating People of 2012 and oh my god—who shows up but “Honey Boo Boo!” Now can we talk about good health habits?
Casey: “Shayne I saw it too. Here you have all kinds of accomplished people like—Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and next up Barbara says disgustingly—and here comes–“Weality show feenom—Honey BOO BOO.”
Shayne: That go-go juice of hers is crazy—coffee and Mountain Dew—it makes her “redneckizable.”

Casey: But hey while the nation was watching Honey Boo Boo, the Governor of Michigan was pushing through a radical bill during a lame duck session. Governor Rick Snyder just signed the “right to work” law in the state of Michigan. A state that was built on the strength of labor unions. The state that worked with those unions and corporations to build a strong middle class. Later we’ll have more on this sad day from Michigan RN and President of the Michigan Nurses Association, Jeff Breslin.

And…don’t you think most people would like to be more involved and educated about medical decisions that affect them and their loved ones? We’re talking about empowerment here. Later we’ll visit with Corine Mogenis, a medical malpractice paralegal, and RN and legal nurse consultant Patti Raya, the authors of a great book called Medical Tips From The Inside, Things You Need to Know. One reader says, “This is a must have book…you can learn so much from reading this book and how we’ve all been left in the dark. It’s a great gift for parents and in-laws that still think of doctors as GOD [wake up] ! Pick one up for yourself and others – they will be so grateful!”
Also we welcome Ron Hartenbaum and his great staff at WYD Media Management. As of 1/1/13 Nurse Talk will begin national syndication in their capable hands! Also thanks to Jon Sinton at Progressive Voices for putting us in his great line-up of progressive programming on Tune In.
And a big thank you to National Nurses United/California Nurses Association for the courage and support they’ve shown us from the beginning of our show.
You can listen and laugh every week on Saturday at 11 am in the San Francisco Bay area on KNEW 960AM or live stream at www.960knew.com. Check out our favorite apps featuring Nurse Talk for custom radio on your listening devices: Progressive Voices, TuneIn and iHeartRadio. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at NurseTalkSite.com or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too.