Worst Practices by Hospital Administrators | Show 313
Casey and Dan open the show by announcing the 2011 uninsured death tolls for California and the U.S…95 for the state and 800 and counting for the nation. Do read more about this on our blog.
AND in an attempt to share more medical knowledge with their listeners—Casey decides they should read from the Physicians Desk Reference…you know…like the Republicans read the Constitution the first day of the congressional session.Later in the show, our nurses visit with Massachusetts RN Barbara Tiller. Barbara works at Tufts Medical Center and is chair of the Massachusetts Nurses Association‘s local bargaining unit. Barbara will share with us some disturbing facts about two hospitals in her area, (Tufts and St. Vincents) that have become poster children for worst practices by hospital administrators to cut costs and boost profits by failing to provide appropriate nurse staffing. There have been over 800 unsafe staffing reports filed against one hospital alone.

And an inspiring conversation with Linda and Tony Cole who have written a book called Resurrecting Anthony: A True Story of Courage & Destination. They wrote the book about their son Anthony. When Anthony was 12 years old he was at school and out for recess when he said to a friend, “I have no pulse” and then collapsed on the playground. It took paramedics 13 tries to bring him back to life. Now 23, Anthony lives with a brain injury and Tony and Linda have written about it. You won’t want to miss the remarkable story of courage.
And of course the same old craziness from our hosts, Square Needle, Phobia of the Week and lots in between.You can listen in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM every Saturday at 11 am EST or live stream at www.revolutionboston.com and in the San Francisco Bay area Sundays at 2PM PST on Green 960AM or live stream at www.green960.com. You can also download and listen anytime at NurseTalkSite.com and TheRadioFactory.com or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too. Remember “laughter is the best medicine!”