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Evolution? and CNA’s Donna Smith | Show 305

Eisenhower, Nixon, Ferraro, Clinton, Palin, Angle, O’Donnell……we’ll hear from all of them on the show coming up…really! Oh dear lord…if you don’t believe in evolution this might just make you change your mind! Evolution, as in the caliber of our candidates running for higher office. Oh, a moment of silence for us all…please.SKELETONS are popping out of gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman’s closet in a HILARIOUSLY HAUNTED LATIN-STYLE MUSIC VIDEO written and directed by Oakland recording artist/activist COLETTE WASHIGNTON as a special presentation for the California Nurses Association. Watch this video and pass it along!BUT hey there is always interesting news from our friend Donna Smith. Donna brings some reality to all the myth we hear coming out of D.C. She chats with Casey and Dan about her campaign work in Nevada, the new components of the health care bill that are being rolled out, the need for SINGLE PAYER health care now more that ever, and what’s at stake in the upcoming elections.

AND we’ll check in with nursing student Laura Ricci. Laura will graduate this December from University of San Francisco. She talks about what her challenges have been and how much she loves her chosen profession. What’s next for her? Finding a job.And of course the usual noise, news, Square Needle, email questions, Phobia of the Week and anything in between…Hello to all our listeners in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM every Saturday at 11 am EST or live stream at and in the San Francisco Bay area Sundays at 2PM PST on Green 960AM or live stream at

You can also download and listen anytime at and oron iTunes.

Until next time remember “laughter is the best medicine!”

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