Bonus Podcast | Assault on the Public Sector and Best of Nurse Talk | Show 403
This week we are broadcasting a show originally aired March 12, 2011. It was so good we are playing it again, and pairing it with an all new BONUS podcast, The Assault on the Public Sector. Once public employees who serve their communities as teachers, fire fighters, police and public healthcare nurses— were thought of as heroes. Now they are being vilified as the cause of these real and in some cases, perceived fiscal crises.
Casey and Dan talk with ER RN Dennis Kosuth. Dennis works at Chicago’s John Stroger (Cook County) Hospital and shares with us the damage that is mounting in county hospitals all over the country. He specifically shares his experience as an ER nurse at Stroger—one of the busiest county hospital in Chicago.

On the show, here comes RN Marsha Podd, The Baby Whisperer, and as always she is full of great information for moms and dads with babies and toddlers. She answers questions about her new book, Secrets of a Baby Nurse. Check her out on Nurse Talk and at gotosleepbaby.com.
Then, RN champions from National Nurses United tell us about their experiences in Madison, Wisconsin. Jean Ross, co-president of NNU and Jeff Breslin, president of the Wisconsin Nurses Associatsee ition call in and share the importance of solidarity with our pro-union brothers and sisters everywhere.
And what an honor it is to have California Congresswoman Jackie Speier with us. Some of you may have heard her courageous speech on the house floor when she shared a very personal story about having a surgical procedure that resulted in the loss of her baby. She gave the speech in response to a contentious debate about cutting funding for Planned Parenthood. If you missed it somehow, see it, then listen to the show!
Coming up next week…big scoop on newly introduced single payer health care legislation! With us to talk about it is Sen. Bernie Sanders, and our friend and D.C. Goddess, Donna Smith. Don’t miss it!
A big thank you to our sponsors NNU, CNA and MNA and to all of our listeners!