Bats In Austin. Bats In D.C. Bats In The Studio. | Show 422
Coming Up On Nurse Talk…we welcome two great friends on the show, NNU legislative organizer and health care activist Donna Smith, then comedian Lynn Ruth Miller.
Donna chats with us from Austin, Texas–you know, the home of one of the largest bat caves around…and it’s right downtown!! And yes…you can see the Texas State Capitol from the cave! Donna always brings us up to speed on the issues that are important…at least to us they are. We’ll get an update on the nurses’ Main Street Campaign (more about that at, the state of Social Security and Medicare, a Wall Street sales tax and much more.
And then hold on to your hats because we really do go bats in the studio—’cause we have comedian Lynn Ruth Miller with us and she is wound up like a top! Find out what the Dust Bowl and Lynn Ruth have in common. Lynn Ruth is always….well, pretty out there but always an inspiration. At the ripe age of 78 years young…most of us can’t keep up with her. Kate Copstick, of The Scotsman newspaper says, “This woman is sharp, and in among the fun and schtick there are some killer lines. Ms. Miller is a poster girl for growing old disgracefully and she looks to be enjoying every second.” Her secret to a long life? Listen and find out.
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Stay healthy and remember “laughter is the best medicine!”
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