Hospitals Should Be Care Providers Not Loan Sharks
If there is one problem that symbolizes the ongoing national healthcare emergency, it is the rampant price gouging in the healthcare industry that continues to price too many Americans out of access to care and into financial ruin. Not only is the problem not solved […]
Best of Nurse Talk | Ken Zinn on the Robin Hood Tax
Ken Zinn, the D.C. based Political Director for National Nurses United, talks with us about the announcement from the European Nations that 11 countries have signed on to a “financial transaction” tax, aka the Robin Hood Tax. The Robin Hood tax will raise billions of dollars by taxing financial […]
CNA Nursing Angels Family Fund
This year’s Nurses Week was sadly darkened by the death of two RNs and three other caregivers in a tragic limousine fire on the San Mateo Bridge in the San Francisco Bay Area. California Governor Jerry Brown issued a statement recognizing the incredible contribution of nurses […]
National Nurse Magazine Goes Viral
Check out this fun, new MOVIE TRAILER about National Nurse Magazine “going viral” after launching their all-new interactive, more shareable, DIGITAL EDITION. After you watch the trailer, go check out the magazine – brought to you by National Nurses United.
Time to Act Now To Restore Our Ravaged Mental Healthcare System
By Deborah Burger, RN, 12/18/12 Registered nurses across the country mourn the loss of life marked by the shooting of innocents in Connecticut. This should be a clear wake up call for the White House, Congress, and state and local legislators to take action to […]
Robin Hood Tax Bill Introduced In Congress HR-6411: To Tax Wall Street
Learn More about the Robin Hood Tax! New York – The U.S. Robin Hood Tax Campaign today applauded the introduction in Congress of a bill that would impose a tax on Wall Street speculation. Introduced by Rep. Keith Ellison, HR 6411, the Inclusive Prosperity Act, […]
Uninsured Fresno Woman Has Heart Attack: Thinks it Might be Better to Die Than Be Treated
Carolyn is just one of the people nurses and the Campaign for a Healthy California has talked to about healthcare. Carolyn knew she was having a heart attack but was afraid to go to the hospital. She thought it might be better to die than […]
Nurses Cross California to Promote Medicare for All
Nurses are traveling throughout California to promote Medicare for All. Nurses are on the front lines every day with patients who cannot afford care. Now President Obama’s Affordable Care Act mandates that people buy health insurance, but the insurance companies are still in charge, able […]
Nurses Strike Sutter, Protest Closures, Reductions in Face of $4 Billon Profit
Bay Area Sutter RNs Begin One-Day Strike Hospital Giant Seeks Massive Cuts Despite $4 Billion in Profits Nurses to Also Protest Sutter Plans to Close Hospitals, Cut Care Registered nurses are on strike today at eight hospitals that are part of the wealthy Sutter corporate […]