A Train Without Pity. Friction In Studio. Sex Addiction. And Down Hill From There! | Show 425
Greetings to our friends and loyal listeners in the Boston area and San Francisco Bay! A shout out to our online listeners nationwide too.
This week on Nurse Talk Casey and Dan talk to RN Jill Furillo. Jill spent several days last week with Occupy Wall Street and will give us a firsthand account of her experience and what the Occupy movement is all about. For information about Occupy go to www.adbusters.org/campaigns/occupywallstreet or learn about how nurses are taking action at www.nursetalksite.com/Nov3. In the carefully chosen words of Vice President Joe Biden, “In the minds of the vast majority of the American – the middle class is being screwed.”

And author and sex addiction therapist George N. Collins is with us. What we think we know about sex addiction is …well…not particularly helpful or accurate. Mr. Collins has written a book, Breaking the Cycle, Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession, and Shame.
As a recovering sex addict himself, he knows all to well the shame and baggage that comes along with it. Mr. Collins founded Compulsion Solutions, an outpatient counseling service specifically for sufferers of compulsion addictions. His book details techniques he developed to successfully teach sex addicts to confront the negative energy that fuels the addiction and turn that energy into positive life changes, including true intimacy.
You can listen in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM every Saturday at 11 am EST or live stream at www.revolutionboston.com and in the San Francisco Bay area Sundays at 2PM PST on Green 960AM or live stream at www.green960.com. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at NurseTalkSite.com or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too.
ADVERTISE to our active and engaged audience. Email to reserve your spot on the air or online: pattie@nursetalksite.com.
And, remember, laughter is the best medicine.