What Every Parent Should Know About Acid Reflux In Children…
More than 100 million American adults suffer from acid reflux driving nearly $15 billion in annual sales of anti-reflux drugs. But can children get acid reflux too? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Symptoms in children can include poor sleeping, noisy breathing, allergies, ear infections, asthma, croup, throat infections, and a “chronic cold.”
Often presenting as silent respiratory reflux, which is not easily detected by pediatricians, the disease can go untreated for an entire childhood—leading to rounds of ineffective medications, emergency room visits, and even unnecessary surgeries.
Dr. Jamie Koufman talks about what every parent should know about Reflux in Infants, Children and Teens. She is a frequent guest on Nurse Talk and is one of the world’s leading authorities on reflux. For more than three decades, Dr. Koufman’s groundbreaking research and writings have focused on acid reflux as it affects the voice and respiratory system. She is the Founder and Director of the Voice & Reflux Institute of New York.