URGENT ~ H1N1 Updates For RNs
The California Nurses Association has issued a position statement with regard to medical practices and vaccinations for RNs. “As the H1N1 (swine influenza) pandemic escalates in our facilities and our communities, the CNA/NNOC Board of Directors has adopted a position statement on the role of the RN in combating H1N1 and protecting our patients and ourselves…We also remain very concerned about the ongoing gaps and failures of many hospitals to provide adequate safety precautions for patients, families, nurses, and other healthcare workers.” You can learn more at their web site at http://www.calnurses.org/swineflu where you can also find an interactive map from the CDC showing reported cases state-by-state.Listen to our show from Saturday, October 11th for a discussion with De Ann McEwen from the Board of Directors of CNA/NNOC. She spoke about the critical need for health care workers to be able to stay home without repercussion from employers if they feel they have the potential to spread the disease to others at work. Yes, please!