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Nurse Talk Short | Male Nurse, More Pay & Weight Loss and Wellness

Male Nurses…More Pay??Karen Higgins

Oh my, what a lively discussion! A recent census report shows the average male nurse earns almost $10,000 a year more than the average female nurse. Although 90% of registered nurses in America are women, they don’t think of male nurses as underdogs. But who better to discuss the topic than Shayne and Casey! Luckily we bring some sanity to the conversation with Boston RN and NNU Co-President, Karen Higgins.

Does your doctor really want to discuss your weight? Dr. Gail Altschuler weighs in (no pun intended)!

The answer may be “no,” but the sobering statistics indicate the strong need for a change in the way doctors talk to their patients about their weight. Approximately 35.7% of adults and 16.9% of children and adolescents in the United States are considered obese, according to the most recent figures. That means more than 90.5 million Americans are at increased risk of serious health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. We’ll visit with Dr. Altschuler about what she thinks needs to be done to reverse this trend. Dr. Altschuler is the founder and medical director of the Altschuler Center for Weight Loss and Wellness here in Marin County, California.
Photo by Ed Yourdon

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