Donna Kelly Williams on Patient Ratios, Cyndy Doherty on Child Abuse and Laughs with Lucille | February 4-5, 2012 | Show 435
Nurses keep up the fight for RN to patient ratios…we should all be very glad they do! We thought we’d check in with our friends in Massachusetts who are working on legislation—so Casey and Dan visit with RN and president of Massachusetts Nurses Association, Donna Kelly Williams. Donna brings us up to speed on current issues—with a central focus on staffing ratios.
Expert says compassion is key. Have you ever witnessed a parent or guardian verbally or physically abuse a child in a public setting? Did you walk away because you didn’t know what to do…or did you intervene? Find out what our expert has to say about what you should do. Cyndy Doherty, executive director of Marin Advocates for Children joins Casey and Dan to talk about what her organization is doing to help and prevent this epidemic. You won’t want to miss her advice and insights.
AND—We’ll have some fun as we continue our look back at callers from the early days of Nurse Talk. Lucille Jones and her cross-country trip with her ill mother. Oh, she was priceless! You can find this and more at Nurse Talk’s Comedy Pharm.