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Category: News

Nurses: Single Payer NOW. Assembly Select Committee Findings Abandon 21 Percent of Californians Struggling with Health Costs

The California Nurses Association today criticized a report issued by the Assembly Select Committee on Health Care Delivery Systems and Universal Coverage as abandoning the day-to-day struggles of millions of Californians faced with un-payable medical costs In a 47-page report by University of California professors and a […]

NNU’s RN & Co-President Deborah Burger NLRB Trial

 RN and Co-President of National Nurses United Deborah Burger talks about the National Labor Relations Board trial against Tennessee-based Community Health Systems/CHS the nation’s largest for-profit hospital chain.

Status quo. Hotel or hospital. Larry and Sarah.

 Here’s a sample of what we’re talking about this week on Nurse Talk Radio. Listen to the entire show on our NT APP or on Progressive Voices Tune In or on the soundcloud menu on our homepage.

Basic Information on the Zika Virus

A virus transmitted by a specific mosquito species (Aedes genus), similar to dengue fever and chikungunya. Transmission can also happen through sexual contact, blood transfusion, and from mother to baby during pregnancy and birth. No vaccine exists. Diagnostic testing is limited. (read more)  Zika is […]

Nurses: It’s On to New Hampshire, Nevada, and Beyond

National Nurses United, a significant presence across Iowa in the lead up to the Iowa caucuses, and who have been campaigning for Sen. Bernie Sanders across the U.S. for months, Monday night celebrated Sanders’ dramatic finish in Iowa, and said the nurses are stepping up […]

Global Day of Action by Nurses, Healthcare Workers in 13 Countries

Big Actions Across World Highlight Global Day of Action by Nurses, Healthcare Workers in 13 Countries United in Call for End to Austerity, Healthcare Cuts, and a Robin Hood Tax  Major nurse and healthcare union organizations marched, rallied, and held other actions in 13 countries […]

Let’s Talk About Healthcare, and I Don’t Mean the ACA.

Let’s talk about healthcare. I don’t mean debating the Affordable Care Act. I mean health care, as in: If everyone needs health care, guarantee that everybody gets it. I know, when it comes to healthcare, it’s easy to get into a debate for or against […]

Certificate Program in Women’s Global Health SCHOLARSHIPS.

As part of the Certificate Program in Women’s Global Health, we are pleased to announce the fall 2013 courses: Global Women’s Health Movements and Impacts of Economic Inequality on Women’s Health, co-sponsored by National Nurses United and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Global […]