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Best Of Nurse Talk: Stuffed Dogs, Robot Doctors and Befriending your Hunger.

from NNU website, via business wire
Image courtesy of Businesswire

Ahhhh, technology! It’s a very good thing, but when are we going too far? Should ROBOTS replace doctors and nurses? Can they diagnose and treat patients? Well it’s already happening in some hospitals. Get the good, the bad, and the ugly on this emerging trend when Casey and Shayne visit with National Nurses United RN Deborah Burger.

David Bedrick

Our bodies and our hungers carry messages; carry wisdom. Turning these into our enemies in order to lose weight, or try to change other habits, is almost never sustainable. Author and psychologist David Bedrick returns to the show and will show us how to listen to our bodies, befriend our hungers, and develop more loving strategies to affect change.

David is the author of the best-selling book, Talking Back To Dr. Phil, Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology. David facilitates an on-air process with Casey about “losing weight.” Check it out on our website or visit

AND, this weeks top 10 craziest things patients have insisted on keeping in their hospital rooms. A hint: A cherished, stuffed, real dog; the family pet for 20 years who recently passed on.

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