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Author: Melissa Vaughan

Sunshine | Alzheimer’s in the First Person | Melissa Vaughan

What is your first memory? Have you ever thought about it? I know what mine was…it was of my mom holding me and singing to me. I can even smell her cologne, she has worn the same type of cologne all of my life. She […]

Dying Alone | Melissa Vaughan

My mother used to volunteer to sit with people who were dying. These people were in their own homes, in hospice, or the hospital. Usually a nurse would call mom when the patient was in the final hours and she would come stay with them […]

Surprises | Alzheimer’s in the First Person | Melissa Vaughan

My mother has been writing me little notes, simple little notes, because she can not write very well anymore. She hides them everywhere, hoping I will find them. I think she began doing it, hoping that years from now I will find the notes tucked […]