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Who is the 2011 Scrooge of the Year?

From our friends at the Massachusetts Nurses Association:

Our  allies at Massachusetts Jobs With Justice are taking nominations for  their annual “Scrooge of the Year” competition, an effort to shine a  light on those policymakers, institutions or corporations that have  undermined the interests of working people in our state and the nation.   OK, nurses, who do you nominate?

An example might be Cerberus/Steward  Health Care, headed by CEO Ralph de la Torre.  This giant Wall Street  private equity firm, which has gobbled up hospitals in Massachusetts,  has refused to provide a pension plan promised to its nurses, has fired  nurses without cause, has cut back on the most basic supplies for patients and is now threatening to close services and hospitals, despite  promises to the Attorney General to maintain those services.

Visit the  link below to make your nomination.

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