This Week: Bonus Podcast on Sutter California and Long Beach Memorial Walk-out and Best of Nurse Talk
This week we have a special bonus podcast with Sharon Tobin, RN and 23 year ICU veteran at SUTTER MILLS PENINSULA HOSPITAL talks with Nurse Talk about the upcoming one day walk-out at Sutter hospitals in California. What has happened to big hospitals? Sharon says Mills Peninsula in Burlingame was once a wonderful community hospital, is now a shadow of its former self. LISTEN TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE ONE DAY WALK-OUT AGAINST SUTTER SET FOR THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22.
Happy holidays to you all. We are rewinding one of our best this week while wield the hot glue gun with care to finish up our last-minute gifts. Plus, we think its important to keep asking, “Who’s Your Doctor’s Daddy?”
Our friend and Capitol Hill correspondent Donna Smith (legislative organizer for National Nurses United) says that while healthcare giants buying up hospitals is not new…now they’re also buying up the doctors. This in and of itself doesn’t seem too surprising…but Donna tells us the reasons all of it is disturbing, confusing and something everyone should know about. Do you know who owns the medical facility you have or will be treated in? Do you understand the paperwork you sign when you are admitted to a hospital or clinic? Check it out.

AND we have powerhouse medical paralegal and co-author Corine Mogenis with us to talk about a new book she and partner RN, MBA Patricia Raya have written called Medical Tips from the Inside: Things You Need to Know. This book is a must have and includes topics such as, how and why you should get medical tests from your doctors, the patients bill of rights, having an advocate with you, what to do if you are diagnosed with a serious illness and much more. Corine steps up with vital information during her conversation with Casey and Dan.
Plus all the other craziness…news, Square Needle Award, Phobia of the Week, and email questions. What’s the difference between a head cold and a chest cold? It may seem obvious but…Listen in.
You can listen in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM every Saturday at 11 am EST or live stream at www.revolutionboston.com and in the San Francisco Bay area Sundays at 2PM PST on Green 960AM or live stream at www.green960.com. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at NurseTalkSite.com or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too. Remember “laughter is the best medicine!”