The Safe Lift Bill and Treatment at the Kaiser Permanente San Rafael’s Breast Cancer Center
The statistics regarding back injuries are frightening! Approximately 80% of adults are expected to experience back injuries in their lifetime with 10% re-injuring! When it comes to health care professionals, the facts get are even worse.
According to national statistics, six of the top 10 professions at greatest risk for back injury are nurse’s aides, licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, health aides, radiology technicians, and physical therapists. Healthcare industry workers sustain 4.5 times more overexertion injuries than any other type of worker.
Well, registered nurses from hospitals in Kansas City and St. Louis, members of National Nurses Organizing Committee (NNOC), with the help of their state legislators, recently introduced HB 856 – the Safe Lift Bill. Sounds like a no brainer right? Listen and find out how challenging it was to get this bill introduced. Trust us – this is important even if it isn’t a sexy topic. The next time you are in a hospital you want to make sure whoever is lifting or moving you doesn’t have a bad back. That could lead to – well – you may end up on the floor on top of a nurse!
And Michelle Camicia, Kaiser RN has lived almost all of her 46 years in Marin County, California. She attended nursing school at San Francisco State University and earned her Master’s in Nursing from Sonoma State University. Her life was moving along according to plan – but then in May of 2012 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Casey and Shayne talk with Michelle and Dr. Marla Anderson, Chief of the Department of General Surgery at Kaiser Permanente San Rafael, about Michelle’s personal experience since being diagnosed. They will also talk about Kaiser San Rafael’s prestigious accredited Breast Cancer Center and how it is going the extra mile to support patients.
And of course our wonderful health and fitness expert Joanie Greggains gives us another reason to listen, as she talks about jeans (the pants jeans) that help reduce cellulite! That’s what we said. You won’t want to miss this weeks edition of “Fit Happens,” only on Nurse Talk.