The Comedy Pharm | We’ve Got Your Rx.
(Re)introducing a little something we call Nurse Talk Theatre. Outtakes, clips from the cutting room floor and more…some think they should have stayed there…but what can we say? We can’t help ourselves.
Casey tells the story about one of her first bed bath experiences, which ends in hilarity. Maggie and Casey discuss the merits of funerals. Casey and Maggie get into a laugh-fest trying to record a disclaimer. Myrial has a speech impediment, and Casey and Maggie mercilessly suggest that she should see a specialist. Hopefully, laughter cures, because this call is full of it. Lucille’s mother has MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and feels the hospital isn’t helping the situation. So Casey and Maggie try to help. Lucille’s mother’s MRSA is cured, but she is now sharing a room with a smoker in the nursing home and well, things just go to hell in a hand basket from there.
All this and more await you, LISTEN HERE, ’cause laughter is the best medicine.