Weight Loss vs Health Concerns, North Korea’s Healthcare “System” and Holding the Non-profits Accountable.
Bay Area health and fitness expert Joanie Greggains joins Casey and Shayne this week on Nurse Talk. Joanie is now a regular on Nurse Talk with her weekly segment “Fit Happens” and her monthly house calls to the Nurse Talk studio to answer listener questions. […]
Never Give Up | Yoga Helps Vet Walk Again
Gulf War veteran Arthur Boorman was told by doctors he would never walk again unassisted. For 15 years he didn’t. Then, he started doing yoga.
Patient’s Rights | Show 228
ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH YOUR WEIGHT? Well, tune in to Nurse Talk March 28th as we feature Dr. Gail Altschuler. Gail will be taking your questions, so call or email before March 19 and we will have her answer your questions on the air. 1.800.977.1863 or pattie@nursetalksite.com READ MORE…