Jeff Breslin on The Safe Patient Care Act
Listen to our guest this week RN Jeff Breslin of the Michigan Nurses Association on The Safe Patient Care Act “Every Michigan resident deserves to receive safe care at every hospital, every time. Michigan’s nurses are simply asking for our leaders’ support to make that happen.” […]
Safe Patient Care Act, Donna Smith and “Off the Grid” Jokes.
Listen to our guest this week RN Jeff Breslin of the Michigan Nurses Association on The Safe Patient Care Act “Every Michigan resident deserves to receive safe care at every hospital, every time. Michigan’s nurses are simply asking for our leaders’ support to make that happen.” […]
Bears. Kids. Free Makeover. Michigan. Donna. Who didn’t love the amazing Jonathan Winters? He was the master of improvisational comedy. As we celebrate National Nurses Week, Casey and Shayne found some interesting gestures of generosity toward those in their profession. One in particular stood out: It happened in Kearney, Nebraska. A […]