Rick Compton and Betsy Bennett on ASSISTED LIVING The Musical, DeAnn McEwen on Tax Wall Street and Wayne Cook on Colon Cancer | July 2-3, 2011 | Show 414
Rick Compton and Betsy Bennett, creators of Assisted Living The Musical, join us to discuss the opening of their show in San Francisco. Check it out at www.assistedlivingthemusical.com. Casey also interviews DeAnn McEwen, who joined hundreds of other nurses in a rally to tell Wall […]
Naughty Politician Lane, Fair Taxes plus Karyn on AIDS and Wilda on Alzheimer’s | Show 413
What up with male politicians?? Twitter, Facebook, bathroom stalls, mountain trails, pay-offs borrowed from Mom and Dad!! Yikes can anyone imagine a female in high office getting away with any of this? Barbara Boxer tweeting bra-less photos of herself to a 21-year-old guy?? Join Casey […]