2019: The Year of Medicare for All
Early in this new year, Rep. Pramilla Jayapal (D-Wa.) will be introducing an updated version of a House Medicare for All bill, buttressed by the election in November of a number of new Medicare for all House candidates. Re-introduction of a Senate bill by Sen. […]
Nurses: Single Payer NOW. Assembly Select Committee Findings Abandon 21 Percent of Californians Struggling with Health Costs
The California Nurses Association today criticized a report issued by the Assembly Select Committee on Health Care Delivery Systems and Universal Coverage as abandoning the day-to-day struggles of millions of Californians faced with un-payable medical costs In a 47-page report by University of California professors and a […]
Save California Single Payer SB 562! Why does this bill remain tabled in California Assembly?
SB 562 needs you! Don Nielsen, Director of Government Relations for California Nurses Association joins Nurse Talk Radio for an update on SB 562 the Healthy California Act. There is still time to call your California Assembly Members and tell them to support the […]
Check Out Nurse Talk’s New Segment on WIN, Laborradio.org
Nurses and over 200 other organizations are supporting Colorado Amendment 69, single payer healthcare for all Coloradans. Our Healthcare in America correspondent, Donna Smith gives us the details about the amendment, the nurse’s involvement and why it is so important to the National Single Payer […]
Donna Smith on Single Payer and Nephrologist, Dr. Anjali Saxena
Most of our listeners know…we love our Donna Smith. Since the start of Nurse Talk Donna has been and is—a remarkable contributor and a tireless advocate for single payer healthcare. She is a legislative organizer for National Nurses United and no one knows healthcare/political issues […]
Donna Smith on Insurance Denials and Medicare for All | Show 458
Most of our listeners know…we love our Donna Smith. Since the start of Nurse Talk Donna has been and is—a remarkable contributor and a tireless advocate for single payer healthcare. She is a legislative organizer for National Nurses United and no one knows healthcare/political issues […]
Other nations see universal health care as necessary. Why don’t we?
Our public leaders here in United States like to proclaim that we’re number one at everything, despite evidence to the contrary. When it comes to health care, now developing nations are beginning to leave us in the dust. In the article “U.S. lags in global […]
Donna Smith with a DC Update, Singer/Songwriter Brian Asselin and Bill Fisher with the Alzheimer’s Association | March 17, 2012 | Show 440
Dan is on the Island of Bursitis this week so our resident funny lady Lynn Ruth Miller sits in for him. Given our discussion about some pretty serious topics, Lynn Ruth finds a way to bring her compassion and humor to the table. AND she’s […]