A Salute to Nurses with Jane O’Meara Sanders
We need to stand by the nurses. We need to support them. We need to support their unions and we need to provide Medicare for all especially.” –Jane O’Meara Sanders Nurse Talk’s Healthcare in America Senior Correspondent Donna Smith had the privilege of talking with […]
New York Times Op Ed Trumpets Need for Safe Patient Limits for Nurses
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/19/opinion/19brown.html?ref=globalNEW YORK TIMESJune 18, 2010Is There a Nurse in the House?By THERESA BROWNPittsburghPICK any of the hospital dramas that have run for decades on American TV, and chances are the heroes are the doctors, running to a patient’s bedside to save a life whenever an […]