RN Donna Kelly Williams Says No to Mandatory Overtime
On August 6, 2012, Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts signed into law Senate Bill 2400, “An Act improving the quality of healthcare and reducing costs through increased transparency, efficiency and innovation.” One provision of the law applies to hospitals as employers prohibiting mandatory overtime for […]
Karen Coughlin on the Evaporation of Mental Health Services | Taunton State Hospital Closure | National Nurses United Sponsored Segment | April 7, 2012 | Show 443
More on the decline (evaporation) of mental health services. We are joined by RN and Vice President of theMassachusetts Nurses Association, Karen Coughlin. Karen works at Taunton State Hospital which is on the chopping block. Closure would mean no place for the 147 patients they now serve, […]
Karen Coughlin on the Evaporation of Mental Health Services and iTriage Must Have Med App | April 7, 2012 | Show 443
Coming Up …our farewell to Dan…takes us on a walk down memory lane. Old favorites including the bits we did called “Is Anybody Out There Laughing” and “What Song Best Describes Your Nurse.” We share the story about Dan’s battle with racoons in his garage and […]
Goodbye. Unfortunate. iTriage. Baby Love. R&R.
Our farewell to Dan…takes us on a walk down memory lane. Old favorites including the bits we did called “Is Anybody Out There Laughing” and “What Song Best Describes Your Nurse.” We share the story about Dan’s battle with racoons in his garage and some other silliness.
More on the decline (evaporation) of mental health services. We are joined by RN and Vice President of the Massachusetts Nurses Association, Karen Coughlin. Karen works at Taunton State Hospital which is on the chopping block. Closure would mean no place for the 147 patients they now serve, and no short-term mental health facility within a 150 miles for the community. This, unfortunately, is happening all across the country.
AND… The coolest APP we’ve ever seen or heard about! We all know what triage means, welcome to iTriage. Without giving too much away…simply put, you can download iTriage and use it all over the world to identify symptoms, find the nearest ER or specialist and what the wait times are in emergency situations—and is so user friendly—I can even use it!
Oh… and one of our favorite guests, RN Marsha Podd, aka the Baby Whisperer, weighs in on the latest controversial mommy gaffe—chewing food for your baby. Yes? No? Marsha say’s “God love moms…it’s a tough job!”
Donna Kelly Williams on Patient Ratios | National Nurses United Sponsored Segement | February 4-5, 2012 | Show 435
Nurses keep up the fight for RN to patient ratios…we should all be very glad they do! We thought we’d check in with our friends in Massachusetts who are working on legislation—so Casey and Dan visit with RN and president of Massachusetts Nurses Association, Donna Kelly Williams. […]
Patsy Cline. Sputnik. Beatnik. Boston. Compassion.
On The Show: Nurses keep up the fight for RN to patient ratios…we should all be very glad they do! We thought we’d check in with our friends in Massachusetts who are working on legislation—so Casey and Dan visit with RN and president of Massachusetts Nurses Association, Donna Kelly Williams. Donna brings us up to speed on current issues—with a central focus on staffing ratios.
Expert says compassion is key. Have you ever witnessed a parent or guardian verbally or physically abuse a child in a public setting? Did you walk away because you didn’t know what to do…or did you intervene? Find out what our expert has to say about what you should do. Cyndy Doherty, executive director of Marin Advocates for Children joins Casey and Dan to talk about what her organization is doing to help and prevent this epidemic. You won’t want to miss her advice and insights.
What about Patsy Cline, beatnik and Sputnick? Read more >
Who is the 2011 Scrooge of the Year?
From our friends at the Massachusetts Nurses Association: Our allies at Massachusetts Jobs With Justice are taking nominations for their annual “Scrooge of the Year” competition, an effort to shine a light on those policymakers, institutions or corporations that have undermined the interests of working […]
Which Side Do You Stand On? | Elizabeth Warren at Mass Nurses Convention
Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren spoke at the Massachusetts Nurses Association convention this week. “Washington right now works for those who have already made it. . . . It doesn’t work for ordinary families. It doesn’t work for small businesses,” she says. “We have a choice […]
Donna Kelly Williams with a Mass Update and Endorsement of Elizabeth Warren for Senate | National Nurses United Sponsored Segment | Show 421
This week we visit with Massachusetts Nurses Association‘s president, RN Donna Kelly Williams. Donna brings us up to date on all things Mass including the upcoming Day Of Action, the continued fight for fair and equitable RN-to-patient ratios, The Main Street Campaign, (to find out […]