Michael Lighty on the Keystone XL Pipeline
Try as we might to stay away from polarizing issues on our show, it seems you can’t talk about health and healthcare without touching on these controversial topics. The Keystone XL Pipeline is one of those issues. It could have a significant impact on the health of communities in […]
Nurse Talk Short | Laughter, Tar Sands, and Viagra for Women
Try as we might to stay away from polarizing issues on our show, it seems you can’t talk about health and healthcare without touching on these controversial topics. The Keystone XL Pipeline is one of those issues. It could have a significant impact on the health of communities in […]
Nurses’ Voting Guide and Planning for Long Term Care
As we continue to celebrate Nurse Talk’s 4th birthday we, of course, had to drag out yet another blast from the beginning days of Nurse Talk with then co-host Maggie McDermott and one of our favorite callers Muriel. And for those of you who might […]
Michael Lighty Decodes California Props: Yes on 30, No on 32
And speaking of politics — -oh, I don’t think we were speaking of politics — BUT let’s. Our guest this week is Michael Lighty. Michael is the Director of Public Policy for the California Nurses Association. He talks with us about the upcoming election and […]
Coming Up…Cal Props 30 and 32 Decoded, Naked in the Nursing Home and Airline-Style Medical Billing
As we continue to celebrate Nurse Talk’s 4th birthday we, of course, had to drag out yet another blast from the beginning days of Nurse Talk with then co-host Maggie McDermott and one of our favorite callers Muriel. And for those of you who might […]
Michael Lighty on “Not-for-Profit” Hospitals and Trent Lange on California Clean Money Victory | Sept. 1, 2012 | Show 459
Welcome to Nurse Talk where laughter is the best medicine. A salute to our Republican friends and relatives—and we do have them. This week’s show has a little Mitt Romney. We think he’s singing AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL? Oh dear lord. We promise when the Democratic […]