Rewind: Nurse Talk Short | Healthcare Advocate Donna Smith and Meditation Prevents and Reverses Burn-Out
One of our favorite people and one of the most energetic and fierce healthcare advocates on the planet, Donna Smith. Donna is a frequent guest on Nurse Talk and for good reason. Donna and her husband Larry were introduced to us in Michael Moore’s film […]
Rewind: Marjie Biller on Meditation and Donna Smith on DC…Constipation
This week we present a wonderful rewind about TM, Transcendental Meditation and then just to make you “nuts” we’ll give you a review of D.C. Constipation! No segue for that. If you missed our great discussion about TM, tune in this Saturday at 11 am […]
Who Doesn’t Need to Go Back to Class? Tune In to Learn How to Tune Out
This week we present a wonderful rewind about TM, Transcendental Meditation and then just to make you “nuts” we’ll give you a review of D.C. Constipation! No segue for that. If you missed our great discussion about TM, tune in this Saturday at 11 am […]
Transcendental Meditation and D.C. Constipation
Shayne: “Casey, why the Beatles? I love them but why now?” Casey: “Because I can’t think of the Beatles without thinking about the 70’s and I can’t think of the 70’s without thinking of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the […]
Nurse Talk Short | Healthcare Advocate Donna Smith and TM Prevents and Reverses Burn-Out
One of our favorite people and one of the most energetic and fierce healthcare advocates on the planet, Donna Smith. Donna is a frequent guest on Nurse Talk and for good reason. Donna and her husband Larry were introduced to us in Michael Moore’s film […]
Marjie Biller on Transcendental Meditation
Nurse Talk Host Casey Hobbs says, ” I just happen to be practicing Transcendental Meditation and I cannot say enough about the benefits. On this show we have TM instructor Marjie Biller with us to talk about the practice and a program specifically created for […]
The Beatles. Meditation. All Things D.C. Constipation (more than you want to know).
Shayne: “Casey, why the Beatles? I love them but why now?“
Paul, John, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, George and Ringo
Casey: “Because I can’t think of the Beatles without thinking about the 70’s and I can’t think of the 70’s without thinking of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Maharishi achieved fame as the guru to The Beatles and other celebrities. He started the TM program in the late 1970s that claimed to offer practitioners the ability to levitate and to create world peace.
And Shayne, I just happen to be practicing TM and I cannot say enough about the benefits. On the show this week we have TM instructor Marjie Biller with us to talk about the practice and a program specifically created for nurses and healthcare practioners.”
And, just what is the “Fiscal Cliff” and what is it doing to our health? Donna Smith on All Things D.C. Read more…
Best of the Best of the Best of the…AND Coming ASAP: EMDR, TM and LOLZ
The best of the best of the best of the…well you get the point. This week enjoy this great repeat performance.
RN Alison Whitaker on Vital Signs, RN Jean Ross on Robin Hood and Dr. Jamie Koufman on Dropping Acid
Casey and Shayne check in with RN and playwright RN Alison Whitaker. Some of you may remember Alison was on the show last year introducing her one-woman play called, Vital Signs. It’s a great show at the Marsh Theater in San Francisco. If you missed Alison Whitaker’s Vital Signs in June…it’s been extended! Don’t miss it again get your tickets at the Marsh Theater in San Francisco.
There’s much more packed inside this show. Read on…