Judy Alba on the DC Patient Protection Act
DC hospitals are facing a staffing shortage. To counter this trend, RNs have put forth the Patient Protection Act, which “provides a minimum number of nurses on duty by specific unit at all times.” RN and nurse leader Judy Alba will be with us to […]
RN Marsha Podd, Baby Whisperer and RN Judy Alba on Protecting Patients
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b7BGBa6MTI Well this week Goldie Hawn starts the show with a run down of the “time zones.” We must admit—her explanation sort of makes sense. Casey and Shayne struggle to figure out what time it is in the Midwest if it is 9am in California […]
Rewind: Nurse Talk Short | Healthcare Advocate Donna Smith and Meditation Prevents and Reverses Burn-Out
One of our favorite people and one of the most energetic and fierce healthcare advocates on the planet, Donna Smith. Donna is a frequent guest on Nurse Talk and for good reason. Donna and her husband Larry were introduced to us in Michael Moore’s film […]
Rewind: Marjie Biller on Meditation and Donna Smith on DC…Constipation
This week we present a wonderful rewind about TM, Transcendental Meditation and then just to make you “nuts” we’ll give you a review of D.C. Constipation! No segue for that. If you missed our great discussion about TM, tune in this Saturday at 11 am […]
Rewind: Donna Smith on the Fiscal Cliff and All Things DC
One of our favorite people and one of the most energetic and fierce healthcare advocates on the planet, Donna Smith. Donna is a frequent guest on Nurse Talk and for good reason. Donna and her husband Larry were introduced to us in Michael Moore’s film […]