All-Woman Senate Panel Moves to Ban Viagra. National Nurses. Single Payer in California. Lotsa Laughs
The show begins with Casey, “Dan as you know, we try to shy away from controversy but sometimes a gal just has to speak up. I must comment on the recent congressional hearings on contraception. First of all—I thought that train left the station in the 70’s! And can we talk? The expert panel assembled consisted of all males! “Where’s The Beef?” as our old friend Clara Peller used to say in the famous Wendy’s commercial. Without going into further detail, we wondered what it would be like—if the shoe were on the other foot—so to speak. You know, the deck being stacked to fall the other way?”
AS LUCK would have it—a little research provided us with the perfect opportunity to share just that kind of breaking news. Listen this Saturday as California State Senator Janelle Jones introduces groundbreaking legislation (Senate Bill SB 1240) that moves to criminalize the very dangerous Viagra. That’s right—Viagra. The all-woman senate panel that drafted this bill says there is mountains of evidence that Viagra should be banned! Don’t miss Senator Jones on Nurse Talk!
AND..we have an update on the very active nurses from National Nurses United. Deborah Burger always brings life and humanity to the critical healthcare issues in our country.
We’ll check in with our friend Andrew McGuire. Andrew is the Executive Director of California One Care. Cal One Care envisions a health care system where every child and every adult receives the health care they need, when they need it, and at a cost that is affordable.
Guest: Andrew McGuire This week we host Andrew McGuire. Andrew is the creator of the California One Care Campaign. The campaign is simple, single payer health care for all Californians. This discussion takes us back to the good old days when many of us thought nationwide […]The California One Care Campaign | Andrew McGuire Segment | Show 300BO
Rewind Andrew McGuire and Deborah Burger | Show 300BO
This week’s show is an encore presentation originally aired September 19, 2010 featuring Andrew McGuire and Deborah Burger.Andrew is the creator of the California OneCare Campaign. The campaign is simple, single payer health care for all Californians. This discussion takes us back to the good […]
Andrew McGuire Segment | Show 300
Guest: Andrew McGuire This week we host Andrew McGuire. Andrew is the creator of the California One Care Campaign. The campaign is simple, single payer healthcare for all Californians. This discussion takes us back to the good old days when many of us thought nationwide single […]
Andrew McGuire and Deborah Burger | Show 300
Its back to school! We have no idea why we started with that because it has nothing to do with he show coming up but it does fit in with the season. Hey…we do have a great show coming up. This week we host Andrew […]
Talking with Andrew McGuire | Show 232
Casey and Dan speak with Andrew McGuire the Executive Director of California One Care. Andrew talks about the founding coalition and the campaign that is under way to pass SB 810, State Senator Mark Leno’s legislation for Single Payer Health Insurance for ALL Californians….plus our RN Hero feature, Tim Thomas, RN plus, Casey and Dan’s usual shenanigans.READ MORE…