Coming Up on Nurse Talk: Rally Britain! Learning to Speak Teen. Nurse Behavior Revealed. Yoga Nurse Heals.
The Show is jam-packed this week. There is something for everyone, so make time to join us!
We’ll talk with RN Jean Ross, co-president of National Nurses United. Jean is a frequent guest on Nurse Talk and she updates us on recent U.S. rallies organized by nurses to support nurse counterparts in Great Britain.

Last Wednesday, Nov. 30, over two million British workers joined the biggest strike in the United Kingdom in a generation. National Nurses United organized six rallies in cities around the U.S. in a show of support.

IT’S THE HOLIDAYS! Calling all parents of teens! You won’t want to miss our visit with Dr. Barbara Greenberg, a clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of teens and families. She writes a regular column, The Teen Doctor, in Psychology Today. Her recent article focuses on why teens can be so competitive during the holidays. She has some good ideas about what to do when you are about to cancel Christmas. We’ll talk to her about her new book, Teenage as a Second Language: A Parent’s Guide to Becoming Bilingual. Oh, that is good!
Casey and Dan do their part to promote transparency in health care with a little look at NURSING BY THE NUMBERS, a sneak peak at their report reveals 86% of nurses have had to leave a patient’s room quickly because they were about to laugh uncontrollably. But, there’s more. Listen to the show to learn what medical supply is an oft-used eating utensil. Well, according to our sources, 47% of you already know.

And, a segment every nurse needs, brought to you in partnership with Nurse Together.com, Annette Tersigni RN, The Yoga Nurse, and founder of Yoga Nursing. Annette is a contributor to our Nurse Talk blog and says what we always say—that nurses need to take care of themselves. Nurses are often the last to realize the toll stress is taking on them and to take the time to do something about it. She has some great ideas on how the restorative principles of yoga can empower you to continue serving as the nurse hero that you are. You can find Annette on our blog at nursetalksite.com or by visiting our friends at nursetogether.com.
This week we roll out a new feature on Nurse Talk, THE GOLDEN BEDPAN AWARD! That’s right– EACH WEEK OUR GOLDEN BED BAN AWARD GOES TO A DESERVING PERSON OR ORGANIZATION THAT HAS SOME HOW PUT THEMSELVES IN THE NEWS OR OTHERWISE COME TO LIGHT FOR A CHARITABLE ACT OR CAUSE. This week’s GOLDEN BED PAN AWARD goes to U2 star Bono, for his leadership and commitment to fighting the global AIDS epidemic. Bravo for THE POWER OF TAKING A STAND!! Send your nominations to pattie@nursetalksite.com.

Don’t miss the Phobia of the Week, the first caller with the right answer WINS A $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE AT STARBUCK’S…who doesn’t need that? Last week’s winner was Judy Danly from Buffalo New York! Judy listens to Nurse Talk on Revolution Boston.
A SPECIAL THANKS TO THE California Nurses Association, National Nurses United and Massachusetts Nurses Association FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF NURSE TALK.
You can listen in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM every Saturday at 11 am EST or live stream at www.revolutionboston.com and in the San Francisco Bay area Sundays at 2PM PST on Green 960AM or live stream at www.green960.com. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at NurseTalkSite.com or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too.