Presidential Hopefuls. Nursing Master’s. Frying in Fresno. What’s So Funny?
Dan and Casey say they have really made an effort to stay away from the presidential primary but sometimes it’s hard. Roll clips of two presidential hopefuls with one having more hope than the other! We’re just sayin’—one of these men might need to look into “anger management.” Just sayin’. Check it out…on the show this week.
AND we talk with Rob Horgan. Rob is a recruiter for the University of San Francisco School of Nursing and Health Professions. “As nurses” Casey comments, “we just happen to think USF’s nursing program is among the best in the country.” Rob joins Casey and Dan in studio (true) to share about the Master of Nursing Program USF offers at their Santa Rosa, California campus. We just found out a few months ago they had a Santa Rosa, California campus. P.S. Rob, if you are out there, thanks for being such a good sport and boy, are you quick on your feet!
Check this out! We share a great video that is up on a site called The video titled “A Nightmare On Wall Street” depicts an imagined encounter between a Wall Street banker and the victims of financial misdeed. Oh, the horror!
And as the assault on public healthcare workers continues—things are heating up in Fresno, California with major cuts proposed by that county’s Board of Supervisors. RN Mary Morrison joins us to talk about the proposed cuts and the potentially devastating impact on yet another community.
And later we’ll visit with one of our favorite people RN, MSN, Karyn Buxman. Karyn has been on the show before. You might remember her as a great nurse and public speaker—as well as a humorist who really does employ humor in the healing process. Her mission: To improve global health through laughter and help heal the humor-impaired! She’s here this week to talk about her new book “What’s So Funny About Diabetes.”
MYTH: Popping your knuckles will give you arthritis? True or False? The answer is planted somewhere in the text of this blog post. Find out!
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