Our Hero Barbara. Other Side of the Pond. The Teen Doctor. Nurse Yoga.

For those of you who care to venture to our website blog—I encourage you to read the entries written by Barbara Taylor Vaughan. Barbara is 89 and in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s. She started a Facebook page to help chronicle her illness and put a face on Alzheimer’s. Barbara hopes educating others will inspire them to volunteer to help ease the suffering of those with the disease, families, caregivers. Her relationship with her daughter and caregiver, Missy, and her compassion and humor are inspirational. You can subscribe to her on Facebook where she has opened her page to offering advice to your questions about life and living with Alzheimer’s “from a little old lady.”
Check our Barbara’s latest entry Giggling and Watching the River | Alzheimer’s in The First Person . In Barbara’s words:
“Well, I want to tell you, it has been a strange strange day. There is nothing so strange as making all your funeral arrangements and talking about your own death. I hear all these commercials on TV about how you should make your arrangements to spare your family in the future. Wow, it is very very strange to really do it. I dont know what was worse, making my arrangements, or listening to Missy [my daughter] make hers. We have talked with attorneys and funeral home people”. [read more]
Join Casey and Dan—just two of the thousands of nurses on duty—every Saturday at 11am on 960 KNEW AM San Francisco Bay Area and Revolution Boston 1510 AM.

GREETINGS dear Nurse Talk friends and listeners. While we were away patching cracks in the arctic glaciers—our producer dusted off a great show to share with you…or shall we say…re-share?
Great information: RN Jean Ross, co-president of National Nurses United, is a frequent guest on Nurse Talk. On this show she updates us on recent U.S. rallies organized by nurses to support their counterparts in Great Britain. On Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011, over two million British workers joined the biggest strike in the United Kingdom in a generation. National Nurses United organized six rallies in cities around the U.S. in a show of support.
Then, Dr. Barbara Greenberg, a clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of teens and families. She writes a regular column “The Teen Doctor” in Psychology Today. We’ll talk to her about her new book, Teenage as a Second Language: A Parent’s Guide to Becoming Bilingual. Oh, that is good!

And, a segment every nurse needs, brought to you in partnership with Nurse Together.com, Annette Tersigni RN, The Yoga Nurse, and founder of Yoga Nursing. Annette is a contributor to our Nurse Talk blog and has some great ideas for how the restorative principles of yoga can fight stress and “empower you to continue to serve as the nurse hero that you are.”
You can listen every week on Saturdays at 11 am in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM or live stream at www.revolutionboston.com and in the San Francisco Bay area on KNEW 960AM or live stream at www.960knew.com. This is a NEW TIME in the SF Bay Area. Check out the iHeartRadio app for free and live custom radio. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at NurseTalkSite.com or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too.
And remember, laughter is the best medicine!