On The Show 4.05.08
GREETINGS! What kind of promoters would we be if we didn’t start out with “WE HAVE A GREAT SHOW IN STORE FOR YOU SO DON’ T MISS IT.” IT’S true…we do have a—let’s say—FABULOUS—show coming up.Joining us this week is Lynn Ruth Miller, comedian, author, painter and actress. Lynn Ruth just got back from LA where she was filmed for America’s Got Talent. She’s been compared to a short Joan Rivers, Dr. Ruth on Acid—and well—there’s more but we don’t have the space. Lynn Ruth will share with us the significant role laughter has played in her life including getting her through one of the worst times in her life when she battled an eating disorder.We’ll also talk to Sandra Call Sultan and her husband and business partner, Dr. Craig Sultan. They are presenting a great one day conference called, Caring for the Caregivers, scheduled for April 26th in Napa.Casey and Maggie will check in with the news of the week and the usual pranks, so join us this Saturday at2PM Pacific time. Until then remember “laughter is the best medicine.”OUR CALL-IN NUMBERS ARE 1-866-960-5753 IN AREA OR 415-882-9670 OUT OF AREA.Go to Green 960 AM radio or www.green960.com to listen live online. Visit us at www.nursetalksite.com.