On the Show 2.10.08
Join Casey and Maggie in a lively discussion about these hot topics and more.”Did you know that when you go to the hospital or emergency room and don’t have insurance–you will most likely be charged more?”Heard of Cheney Care? “We don’t need insurance. We need guaranteed healthcare like the president, vice president and all the members of Congress.” Says the California Nurses Association. Stay tuned.What? Veterans not entitled to mental health care?AND—introducing our “Phobia of the Week” contest. The winner gets two VIP tickets to a new San Francisco musical.Drop everything and join us at—2PM PST on Green 960 AM or go to www.green960.com and listen to live streaming. Call in 1-866-960-5753 (in area) or 1-415-882-9670 (out of area).
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