Like Pulling Teeth. Hospital Closures. Organ Donors. Love Letters.
Shayne and Casey have some fun with the story about the dentist who pulled all of her ex-boyfriend’s teeth! At least as much fun as you can have over such a tragic loss. Dumping a girlfriend is never easy but having all 32 teeth pulled out by her is the worst that could happen to anybody. Listen and find out just how this happened. There is a moral to the story too. A fairly obvious one at that.

We also visit with San Leandro Hospital RN Carol Barazi about Sutter Corp’s announcement to close yet another hospital in the Bay Area—this time in San Leandro—which serves the East Bay. Of the 27,000 patients seen in the San Leandro emergency room last year, more than 60 percent came from East Oakland, patients who will now need to drive many miles over crowded freeways for care. In news reports, a registered nurse from Highland Hospital in Oakland, who lives in San Leandro said, “I’m hearing from Sutter that they think it’s okay to close San Leandro, because they can send the patients to Highland. I’m here to tell you that we have a 50-bed ER and we are full.” Again—closure of a hospital that serves the “underserved.”

Facebook and CEO Mark Zuckerburg win the Golden Bed Pan Award for starting the majorly successful organ donor project. More than 100,000 new organ donors signed up during the course of a week. Congratulations and great work!
Ever wonder whats behind the old face? Angil Tarach-Ritchey RN, and national expert in senior care provides us with an insightful look at the lives of the aging. With over 30 years experience in senior care and advocacy Angil passionately talks about her elder advocacy project and book, Behind The Old Face. Angil is a frequent blogger on the Nurse Talk website and comes to Nurse Talk by way of our friends at Nurse Together.
Next week, dropping acid! Yip…that’s what we said. 35 million Americans now have Asthma—but how many are really suffering from acid reflux? Pioneering laryngologist says that “silent reflux” is often the actual cause of many upper respiratory disorders—leading to frequent misdiagnosis…check it out!
Remember, you can listen and laugh every week on Saturdays at 11 am in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM or live stream at www.revolutionboston.com and in the San Francisco Bay area on KNEW 960AM or live stream at www.960knew.com. Check out the iHeartRadio app for free and live custom radio. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at NurseTalkSite.com or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too.