Fast Food 911, Safe Patient Ratios, a Cultural Arsonist, and Ginkgo Biloba.
Fast Food…or Maybe Not Fast Enough?
Greetings and good wishes from our house to yours! The nurses are in this week with a new show. Casey and Shayne are beside themselves (as I am sure every 911 operator in the country is) listening to this 911 call from a woman in southern California that can’t get a fast food joint to cook her burger the way she wants it. AND YES, she thinks that is an emergency! Oh, dear Lord above.

SIRI Doesn’t Even Know What the Affordable Care Act Is!
Another 42% of U.S. citizens don’t either as the clock ticks closer to October 1st: the date for the State Insurance Market Places (aka SIRI) starts selling affordable insurance to some of the 40 million uninsured people in our country. We’ve made no secret that Nurse Talk will be taking questions from our listeners every week about the Affordable Care Act. There is so much misinformation out there, we have to ensure we are getting FACTS to our listeners. Every week Shayne and Casey will be joined by national healthcare advocate Donna Smith to talk about the good, the not so good, the challenging and everything else. We will also soon have a complete resource center on our website.
Massachusetts Nurses Take “Safe Staffing” to the People!

Massachusetts Nurses Association President, Donna Kelly Williams RN talks about a newly sponsored ballot measure campaign to fight for patient safety and protection. As most of you who listen to our show already know, the national fight for proper nurse to patient ratios is something that is not going away any time soon. The California Safe Hospital Staffing Law (AB 394) went into effect on January 1, 2008, establishing a minimum ratio of nurses to patients, but most of the country doesn’t have this sort of protection. Check out Donna’s “President’s Column” on the Massachusetts Nurses Association’s Website.
MOVE OVER Book of Mormon; Here Comes the Book of Joe!
That’s right, and we didn’t say it – he did. That’s Dr. Joe Wenke, author of the new book, You Got to Be Kidding: The Cultural Arsonist’s Satirical Reading of the Bible. What does this have to do with nursing? Not much, but it is a very interesting conversation… Oh, I forgot, Dr. Joe has a nurse in his family… that’s the connection.
Hold on to your hats because Dr. Joe’s incendiary, cerebral humor follows a trail of talking angels, fratricidal siblings, divinely sanctioned massacres and surprised lepers from the Old to the New Testament. Although this book was actually written to raise a ruckus, the author says it is a humorous attempt to restore our sanity and our ability to think for ourselves.
And much more on Nurse Talk coming up:
Is Ginkgo Biloba good for a 16 year old? Or anybody else for that matter? A listener gets the answer…sort of.
And “In My Day,” with our resident comedian Lynn Ruth Miller, rides again. Also, don’t miss health trivia and last but not least…