Day of Action | Deborah Burger RN Segment | Show 419
This week on Nurse Talk Casey and Dan visit with RN and National Nurses United Co-President, Deborah Burger. It isn’t unusual that we found Deborah on her way home from an important nurses’ rally in Michigan–because that’s what Deborah does when she isn’t working her full time job at a hospital in Northern California. Deborah chats with us about the upcoming Day Of Action on September 1st. The purpose of the Day Of Action is to bring awareness to the growing divide in our country between the rich and the poor. It sounds simplistic but it’s not–and as our politicians work toward more cuts in basic services and education, access to affordable healthcare gets further and further out of reach, our jobs are being shipped offshore and Medicare and Social Security are being threatened–something must be done. Who better to lead the charge than nurses? Find out how you can get involved at nationalnursesunited.org.