Coming Up on Nurse Talk This Week: Dan Raps. Casey Snacks. RN Deborah Burger Rocks. Research Ready. Bobbi’s Blog Cabin.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. My what terrible “Black Friday” stories. No—please ma’am—pepper spray??? I try only to use weapons like that for cooking. Parking lot shootings? Is this a new thing or has shopping always been so dangerous? We now have to pack heat just to go to the mall….how sad. Well enough social commentary.
We now present you with what we think is a better way to start your holiday season, (or any day of the year…) a sample of pure unadulterated out-of-your-body—JOY. Watch it again, even if you’ve already seen it. Guaranteed to make you smile.
COMING UP this week on Nurse Talk…
Check it out…as a nurse do you ever shy away from researching new medical information? It’s a time issue and a lot of nurses “run for the hills” from diving in to the medical journals—including our Nurse Talk hosts. Well, maybe those days are over. Dan and Casey visit with entrepreneurial RN, Stefanie Modri. Stefanie has just introduced a new nursing and health research tool called PrecisionRN. A virtual medical library at your fingertips. PrecisionRN connects nurses to evidenced-based research by sending text messages about the latest nursing research with a the link to the article. Check it out at PrecisionRN.com.
Our friend RN Deborah Burger updates us on all things “Occupy,” progress on the financial transaction tax, the invisible SUPER COMMITTEE AND MORE…Deborah was one of many nurses from around the world that gathered at the recent G-20 summit in Cannes.

And how many nurses have been patients a time or two? What do you recall from your experience in the hospital? Well RN and author Bobbi McCarthy is a contributing writer on the Nurse Talk blog and has written a great article called Through the Eyes of a Patient | What Will Your Patients Remember? It’s a great story and reminds us what it is like to be a patient. Dan and Casey talk to Bobbi from the comfort of her “blog cabin” in the beautiful state of Maine. Bobbi also created the blog, Love Your Nursing Life, to facilitate nurses talking to nurses about their past, present and future desires for nursing and health care—as well as their frustrations—in hopes of warding off burn-out.
Hey don’t forget you can listen in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM every Saturday at 11 am EST or live stream at www.revolutionboston.com and in the San Francisco Bay area Sundays at 2PM PST on Green 960AM or live stream at www.green960.com. Check out Green960 on the I Heart Radio App where you can listen to the radio on your smart phone. www.iheart.com. You can also download and listen to any show anytime here at NurseTalkSite.com or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too.
WE WANT YOUR FUNNY HOSPITAL OR MEDICAL STORIES. NURSE OR NON-NURSE, SEND THEM OUR WAY. pattielockard@yahoo.com or tonia@nursetalksite.com.